Bowling Green commission votes 3-2 for smoking ban

After more than three years of discussion, the Bowling Green City Commission passed the first reading of a smoking ban Tuesday in a 3-2 vote.
The ban would ban smoking in “most indoor businesses in the city,” reports Andrew Robinson of the Bowling Green Daily News. A second reading will be voted on at a special meeting Monday. If the measure passes, it will take effect 90 days after the vote.
Commissioner Brian “Slim” Nash said last week he wanted to get the ban passed before a new mayor (and possibly a new commissioner) takes office. Mayor Elaine Walker voted for the ban; she will soon become Kentukcy secretary of state, having been appointed by Gov. Steve Beshear to replace Trey Grayson, who resigned. The commission may choose one of its own members to replace Walker, opening up a commission seat for another appointment.
The vote was preceded by “lively debate,” Robinson writes, with some citizens displeased by the proposal. “All you’re trying to do is ram this down my throat, Commissioner Nash, and I don’t like it,” James Ackzien said.
Kim Lindgren, who presented a petition with almost 1,700 signatures supporting a smoke-free law, saw things differently. “While I get the rights of smokers,” Lindgren said, she argued that she should be able to sit in a restaurant without the “overwhelming smell of smoke coming from the smoking section.” (Read more)