Newspaper reporting contest for rural health coverage; deadline June 24

Journalists who have reported about rural health in the past year should start sifting through their clippings. The Kentucky Rural Health Association is awarding four writers $100 each for their efforts.
Entries will be judged on their relevance to rural health; the quality of the reporting; impact on health-care policy; and new insights that might have been generated by the reporting.
The contest features two divisions, daily and non-daily, with two categories in each division: series and single story. The contest period ranges from July 1, 2011 to June 15, 2012. Entries must be received by June 24. Winners will be announced during KRHA’s annual conference in Aug. 16-17 in Bowling Green.
Entries can be submitted to David A. Gross, 222 Medical Circle, Morehead KY 40351. For more information, contract Gross at 606-783-6468 or e-mail at (Read more)