Day: June 4, 2012
Prescription pill abuse ‘a holocaust’ in Kentucky, hitting 1 in 16; big drug firms and even well-meaning doctors are to blame
Another in-depth look at Kentucky’s prescription drug abuse problem hit the pages of The Courier-Journal yesterday, this time exploring the history of OxyContin and how well-meaning doctors started over-prescribing opioids in...
To fight meds-for-meth bill, Consumer Healthcare Products Association spent almost $500,000 in last session, a record
The biggest spender to lobby the Kentucky legislature in the 2012 session was the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, which represents the over-the-counter drug industry. Of the $8.8 million spent in...
Coventry offers to keep paying ARH, but less, for treating Medicaid patients; asks Danville chain to renegotiate
Coventry Cares has offered to pay for treatments at Appalachian Regional Healthcare as a “non-contracted provider,” which would mean ARH would be paid far less than it is now, but...
Bluegrass mental-health nonprofit flush with cash, despite cuts in public health; spends big on executive pay and lobbying
The new Eastern State Hospital being built in Lexington. The Bluegrass Regional MH-MR Board runs the existing facilityand wants to run the new one. (Pablo Alcla, Herald-Leader) Despite deep cuts in...
With crackdown on pill abuse, will legitimate patients be able to get the prescriptions they need?
The crackdown on prescription-pill abuse has some patients worried they won’t be able to get the medicine they need because doctors are fearful of over-prescribing. “It’s a huge concern in...
Couple shares ‘horrible journey’ of prescription drug abuse
Recovering pill addict Stacy Penningtonof Ashland is due to give birth next month.(Courier-Journal photo by Matt Stone) Stacy and James Pennington had to lose everything, including their children and home, before...