Doctor complaints about bill aimed at reducing prescription drug abuse largely based on misconceptions, health officials say

State health officials say doctors’ complaints about House Bill 1, which cracks down on pill mills and doctors who supply the illegal prescription pill trade, result from misunderstandings and misconceptions about the law’s language and intent, Mike Wynn of The Courier-Journal reports. Doctors say the bill’s regulations are excessive and restrict their ability to write common prescriptions.
Assistant deputy inspector general Stephanie Hold, of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, said doctors have at least 19 misconceptions about the state’s drug tracking system, Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting, and said checking KASPER before writing prescriptions “should not impede them in any way,” Wynn reports. Mike Rodman, director of the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, said there’s nothing in the law that prevents doctors from prescribing controlled substances. He said many doctors have for years practiced prescription standards similar to those in the bill, but feel uncomfortable with them being written as law.
The co-chair of the state oversight committee, Democratic Rep. John Tilley, said there are some legitimate concerns about the bill “that need discussion after we can distill what is fact and what is myth,” but lawmakers could likely address all of them without changing the statute. (Read more)