New, 4-volume veterans’ health handbook reflects UK expertise

It is not just about post-traumatic stress and re-entry into the job market anymore, as if it ever was. In topics as diverse as how to best get electronic medical records to how to treat the severely injured who would not have survived earlier wars, The Praeger Handbook of Veterans Health: History, Challenges, Issues and Developments has plumbed the expertise of 65 professionals — many with ties to the University of Kentucky — to teach anyone who cares how it’s done.
Mary Meehan of the Lexington Herald-Leader reports that the editor of the four-volume set is Dr. Thomas Miller, professor emeritus and senior research scientist in psychiatry at UK, who began working on the handbook in 2006. The book makes wide use of Miller’s many decades of work with veterans as well his network of experts from other countries.
Miller told the Herald-Leader that he hopes the book will not only show people the scope of
services available and how to get the help they need, but help shape the
future of veteran care and by extension health care in the United
States. The set is designed as a resource for libraries, health care offices and universities. It is available at online bookstores for $257. (Read more)