Molly Burchett is new chief writer for Kentucky Health News

Kentucky Health News welcomes a new reporter, writer and blogger: Molly Burchett, a master’s student in health communication at the University of Kentucky.
Burchett graduated from Transylvania University in 2009 where she studied business and communication. She was president of the Student Government Association and a yearbook editor. Her jobs before UK included development director for a Lexington medical practice. She started her master’s program in August 2012 and is focused on raising awareness about community health issues in ways that can encourage positive changes in health behavior.
She is from Prestonsburg, where her father and mother are the lead physician and manager of Prestonsburg Primary Care. She is a graduate of Prestonsburg High School. At KHN she follows Tara Kaprowy and Amy Wilson, who have both returned to freelance journalism.
Kentucky Health News is funded by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky but is independently reported and edited by UK’s Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues.
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