Students in Kentucky are invited to celebrate Farm to School Week in annual Farm to School Art Contest

Kentucky students are invited to participate in the third annual Farm to School Art Contest, which celebrates Farm to School Week.
Entries must be drawn on 8 1/2-by-11-inch white unlined paper and have the theme “Farm to School Lunch … Across Kentucky” printed on them, with the student’s name, address, grade and school listed on the back. Students are encouraged to make the entries colorful since they may be reproduced.
Contest entries must be mailed by Nov. 15 to Kentucky Farm to School Program coordinator Tina Garland, 107 Corporate Dr., Frankfort KY 40601.
Winners will be announced in December. Each county will select winners in elementary, middle school/junior high and high school. Statewide winners will get $50 for first place, $30 for second and $20 for third. Rewards will also be given to the first, second and third place school food-service directors and his or her staff.
The goal of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School program is to bring high quality and fresh Kentucky Proud products to the school systems. At least 84 if Kentucky’s 173 school districts are in the program, buying food from more than 80 producers, according to a press release from the Kentucky Department of Education.
For more information about the Farm to School program, email