Month: November 2014
Hospitals, plagued by bad debt, ask or even require patients with high-deductible insurance plans to pay in advance
Irene Qdemat of Baptist Health enterspatient data. (C-J photo by Alton Strupp) Kentucky hospitals are so plagued by bad debts that they are asking some patients to pay in advance,...
Kynect enrollment for private, subsidized insurance reopens; previous enrollees should check website and re-enroll
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s second annual open enrollment period has started and brings with it many changes. Kentuckians can use Kynect,...
Expectant mothers need to get a flu shot
Expectant mothers need to get a flu shot as soon as it is available in their area, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Only the flu shot, not...
As Ky.’s teen-birth rank rises, mother objects to Casey Co. child-development class’s baby shower for five pregnant students
Kentucky’s ranking for births to females aged 15 to 19 is going up, and five students at Casey County High School are pregnant. A joint baby shower for them during...
Americans’ sweet tooth blamed for increases in obesity and diabetes; new website explains the dangers of too much sugar
A new website called SugarScience is now available to help consumers understand the health dangers of sugar in our lives, Lisa Aliferis reports for NPR. This University of California, San...
Medicare plans to pay for lung-cancer screening, a boon to Ky.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services plan to start paying for lung cancer screening with low-dose CT scans for people at high risk. Spiral CT (computed tomography), which is used...
Kentucky meets the diabetes challenge with a comprehensive plan that 15 other states have modeled, advocates say
Kentucky has not simply accepted the dire diabetes statistics that affect so many of its citizens, but instead is meeting this challenge head on with The Kentucky Diabetic Action Plan,...
Brown fat, already known as a super calorie burner,’ could also be a key to treating Type 2 diabetes, study shows
Better understanding brown fat could lead to future ways of treating obesity and type 2 diabetes, Abby Phillip reports for The Washington Post. A recent study published in The Journal...
Millions of children on Medicaid are missing free check-ups; Kentucky is a little below the national average
Millions of low-income children across the country aren’t getting free preventive exams and screenings guaranteed by Medicaid, and some experts say federal and state health officials aren’t doing enough to...