Day: January 16, 2015
Clark County schools engage students as taste-testers in search for newly required, healthy foods the kids will eat
New federal nutrition standards “are not universally popular with students” in Clark County — some throw away recently required fresh fruits and vegetables — but “participation in school lunch programs...
Officials of hospitals and state government to discuss future of Ky. health care at Jan. 29 ‘summit’ In Frankfort
State government and the Kentucky Hospital Association will co-host a summit for hospital CEOs, hospital board members and other elected officials and decision makers on the future of health-care delivery...
1/4 of Ky. adults say they have tried e-cigs; just over half of adults (but not the e-cig users) want them taxed and regulated
More than four in 10 Kentucky adults under age 30 have tried electronic cigarettes, and the older and better off economically Kentuckians are, the less likely they are to have...