E-cigarette conference to be held in Laurel County March 24

“Project e-Prevent,” a conference to understand e-cigarettes and their effects on Kentucky’s youth, will be held at the London Community Center in Laurel County on March 24.
The program will look at evidence based information regarding e-cigarettes, analyze the association between e-cigarettes and nicotine addiction, discuss policy recommendations from medical and scientific authorities, discuss e-cigarette laws and enforcement and clarify 100 percent tobacco free school policy. Click here to see the full agenda.
The program is free and offers continuing education credits, but registration is required by March 11 at www.soahec.org/project-e-prevent/. Call 606-864-1432 for additional information.
The conference is supported through educational grants from the Southern Kentucky Area Health Education Center, Rockcastle Regional Hospital Respiratory Care Center and Rockcastle Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy.