In third round of grants from opioid settlements, director passes on one, saying Coleman opposes syringe-exchange programs

By Melissa Patrick
Kentucky Health News
Asked later why Coleman opposes syringe-exchange programs, Coleman spokesman Kevin Grout said in an email, “Attorney General Coleman is committed to supporting effective prevention, treatment and enforcement efforts. He strongly supports the distribution of Naloxone and other overdose reversal drugs. However, he cannot support syringe-exchange programs, which he believes enable drug use without effectively promoting recovery.”
Syringe exchanges are supported by research. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says injection drug users who have access to syringe exchanges are five times more likely to get treatment than those who don’t. Another study says the exchanges do not encourage drug use or increase the frequency of drug use among current users.
Allen said, “There’s some people that I trust that tell me this is okay. However, I’m just not in favor of needle exchange. I suspect that this time next year, I won’t change my position but I am open to looking at that option,” he said.
Despite the opposition, Boyle County’s ASAP grant request for $282,610 passed with a 6-2 majority vote. The commission is comprised of nine voting and two non-voting members from the legislature.
Third round of grants approved
The Boyle County grant was the only one put up for a vote that had any opposition at the commission’s June 4 meeting. In all, the commission members approved 51 organizations to receive just over $12 million in grant money.
The legislature created the commission to distribute the state’s portion of the approximately $900 million in settlements with opioid manufacturers and distributors, half of which goes to the state and the other half goes to cities and counties. The commission is housed in the attorney general’s office and is headed by Evans, a former chief operating officer for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.
Of the $12 million in this round of grant money, 28 of the awards were given for treatment and recovery, and 23 were given for prevention. This is the third round of state grants, with $32 million awarded to 59 groups in the first round and $13.9 million awarded to 34 groups in the second round.
Backroads of Appalachia, $167,025.
Boyle County ASAP Board, $282,610.
Celebrate Recovery Fairdale, $30,004.
Center for Employment Opportunities, $255,109.
Chrysalis House Inc., $227,273.
Comprehend Inc., $426,087.
Eastern Kentucky Concentrated Employment Program, $450,000.
Family Nurturing Center of Kentucky, $221,937.
Family Scholar House, $245,110.
Grin Grant, Lexington, $361,251.
Hope Center, Lexington, $680,280.
Hope Springs Church, $50,462.
Horsesensing Inc., $115,219.
Isaiah House Inc., $250,000.
Ky. Hospital Research and Ed. Foundation (Ky. Hospital Assn.), $250,000.
Lake Cumberland Area Development District Inc., $277,552.
Life Learning Center, $498,500.
Mercy Health – Marcum and Wallace Hospital, Irvine, $179,834.
Natalie’s Sisters, Inc., $88,356.
Northeast Kentucky Regional Health Information Organization, $331,997.
Ramey-Estep Homes, $222,801.
Recovery Café Lexington, $276,278.
Transitions Inc., $156,000.
Voices of Hope – Lexington, Inc., $538,021.
Volunteers of America Mid-States, $664,587.
Four Rivers Behavioral Health, $232,251.
Young People in Recovery, $301,440.
Appalachian Research & Defense Fund (Legal Aid), $125,000.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Bluegrass, Inc., $185,301.
Boys and Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana, $200,000.
Carter County Public Library, $101,500.
Covington Partners Inc., $225,450.
Cumberland Trace Legal Services (Legal Aid), $125,000.
DV8 Kitchen Vocational Training Foundation and DV8 Kitchens, $151,730.
Girl Scouts Of Kentucky Wilderness Road Council, $59,052.
Jewish Family and Career Services, $77,207.
Legal Aid Society Inc., $125,000.
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass, $125,000.
Mercy Health – Lourdes Hospital, $76,552.
Operation Parent, $87,011.
The Safety Blitz Foundation, $126,335.
Scott County Sheriff’s Office, $91,847.
Taylor County Schools, $208,824.
Three Rivers District Health Department, $320,803.
University of Kentucky Research Foundation, $380,572.
Operation UNITE, $751,850.
Wanda Joyce Robinson Foundation, $90,472.
WestCare Kentucky Inc., $100,404.
Young Men’s Christian Association of Greater Louisville, $248,487.