Williamsburg in line to pass smoking ban next month
The new ordinance says “Smoking shall be prohibited in all enclosed areas within all enclosed buildings open to the public and within places of employment,” reports John Ross of The Times-Tribune of Corbin. “Enclosed buildings” includes libraries, bars, bingo houses, child- and adult-care facilities, public and private educational facilities, gaming facilities, restaurants, pool halls, lobby areas and hallways in all multi-residential buildings, such as apartments and condominiums, and hotels and motels, Ross reports. In December 2011, the Corbin City Commission implemented a ban that prohibits smoking in similar locations and within 25 feet of main entrances and exits.
Ross’s account of the meeting included no negative comments. Mayor Roddy Harrison said, “I know both sides of the issue — but our job is to protect everybody.” Harrison said he found extensive research to back up the negative effects of secondhand cigarette smoke while researching the ordinance.