Adair County Community Voice newspaper, local health department sponsor Community Health Challenge

Residents of Adair County should be getting more fit in the new year, thanks to community-wide competition sponsored by the local health department and one of the Columbia newspapers.
The Adair County Community Voice and the Lake Cumberland-Adair County Health Department are promoting the Adair County Community Health Challenge, in which teams of two or more get daily points for drinking water, eating vegetables and exercising. The Community Voice ran this photo illustration on its front page last week; from left are Jelaine Harlow and Destiny Burton of the health department and Sharon Burton and Christy Marr of the Voice.
The competition operates on the honor system. Each participant puts $5 into a pot, and the team with the most points takes home the winnings. The challenge will begin Jan. 24 and last for eight weeks. Team rankings will be published in the Community Voice each week. The goal of the competition is to achieve “total health.” (Read more)