Your blogger believes health coverage can change lives

Tara Kaprowy, the chief blogger for Kentucky Health News, is a freelance journalist living in Somerset. At the end of 2010, she left her post at The Sentinel-Echo in London, where, for five years, she was a general-assignment reporter covering health, schools, downtown revitalization and crime. She continues to write her weekly column, “A Canuck in Kantuck,” for the thrice-weekly newspaper.
Kaprowy moved to Kentucky in 2004 from her native Winnipeg, Manitoba, where she worked as an assistant editor in food, travel and tourism magazines. She completed her master’s degree in literature from American University in Washington, D.C., in 2001, before which she earned her bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Winnipeg.
In 2010, she was one of 11 reporters nationwide who participated in the Bluecross/Blueshield Health Coverage Fellowship in Boston, with support from the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. Since, she has been deeply invested in health coverage and believes the news media have powerful roles to play in improving the health of Kentuckians.