Infographics offer perspective, more data on impact of health-reform law in Kentucky

New infographics are available with information about the big reduction in the number of Kentuckians without health insurance from 2013 to 2014, when the federal health reform law took full effect. It includes data based on characteristics such as age, race, citizenship status, education, work experience and income.
The graphics were prepared by the State Health Access Data Assistance Center of the University of Minnesota, under contract with the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. Highlights from the data:
- Kentucky had the largest percentage point decline (5.8 percent) in its uninsured rates between 2013 and 2014.
- Kentucky’s uninsured rate fell from 14.3 percent to 8.5 percent, representing approximately 250,000 fewer uninsured Kentuckians.
- Kentucky had approximately 234,000 fewer uninsured adults (ages 18-64) and 16,000 fewer uninsured children (ages 0-17) during this time frame.
- Among Kentucky’s largest counties (those with approximately 65,000 residents or more), Christian County had the sharpest percentage point drop in the uninsured for both adults (8.1 percentage points) and children (7.9 percentage points).
Information for the infographics comes from the recently released American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau.