Author: Melissa Patrick
Bevin and Conway’s running mate, state Rep. Sannie Overly, show sharp differences on health-care issues at forum
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News The major-party campaigns for governor disagree on all of Kentucky’s major health issues, sharply on such topics as the Medicaid expansion, the Kynect health-insurance...
Republicans want Medicaid members to pay something
As state officials reviewed changes in the five Kentucky Medicaid managed-care organization contracts that went into effect July 1, one Republican lawmaker said the contracts don’t go far enough and...
Bevin letter says he will repeal Medicaid expansion; spokeswoman says he will find another solution
A mid-August fund-raising letter from gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin says he would “repeal” the state’s Medicaid expansion if elected, returning him to essentially the same stand he took early this year....
First-of-its-kind conference in Lexington Oct. 2-4 will look at the role of pharmacists in public health
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News The Advances in Pharmacy Practice 2015 Fall Conference, “Discussing the Role of the Pharmacist in Public Health,” will be held Oct. 2-4 in Lexington...
Kentucky had the largest decrease, from 2013 to 2014, in percentage of residents without health insurance
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Kentucky led the nation in the largest drop in the percentage of residents without health insurance from 2013 to 2014, according to a report...
$3.5 million in grants allocated across state to treat heroin and prescription drug addiction and neonatal abstinence syndrome
As part of the heroin legislation passed this year, community mental health centers and residential treatment facilities across the state will receive more than $3.5 million in grants to help...
Medicaid expansion brings increased revenue to hospitals, but has also created different financial challenges
Kentucky’s hospitals have seen a $1 billion increase in revenues since the expansion of Medicaid and the launch of Kynect, the state’s health insurance exchange program, but the influx of...
New cancer treatment for late stage lung cancer that was developed at UK is approved for clinical trials
Researchers at the University of Kentucky have pioneered a new medical device for the treatment of late stage lung cancer, which has now been approved for clinical trials by the...
State-property smoking ban seems to cut share of smokers in Executive Branch, more than other employees in state health plan
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News State-government moves against smoking have reduced it among Executive Branch employees at a greater rate than among state employees who were not affected by...
Newspapers across the state are reporting about school lunch and nutrition programs, of great interest to readers with students
Kentucky newspapers are writing about school meals, against the backdrop of controversy about federal nutrition guidelines, and these are stories with a high level of interest among a key demographic...