Kentucky doubled its number of covid-19 patients on ventilators in the past month; total cases in intensive care resume uptick
Graph by Kentucky Health News —– By Al Cross Kentucky Health News More covid-19 patients than ever are on ventilators in Kentucky hospitals, the number having doubled in the last...
Covid-19 hospitalizations in Kentucky are predicted to keep increasing; much depends on how people handled Thanksgiving
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention graph, relabeled by Kentucky Health News, shows predictions of various forecasters for new covid-19 hospitalizations in Kentucky for the next four weeks, in ranges...
Hospitalization figures again set new records, but poll suggests Kentuckians are less likely to give thanks outside their households
Polling for The New York Times showed Kentuckians are less likely than people in neighboring states to have Thanksgiving dinner outside their household. —– By Al Cross Kentucky Health News The covid-19...
Hospitalizations up 5% in one day; health-department workers are afraid to enforce orders because of threats, abuse, Beshear says
Beshear showed a video of nurse practitioner Katie Rogers asking Kentuckians to take care at Thanksgiving in order to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. —– By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health...
Sales pitches for Medicare Advantage don’t tell the whole story
Joe Namath is perhaps the most familiar spokesperson for Medicare Advantage plans. —– By Trudy Lieberman Community Health News Service It seems nothing ever changes when it comes to hawking...
In south-central Kentucky, health workers and officials try to overcome coronavirus fatigue and politicization of the pandemic
Many in downtown Glasgow wear masks; many don’t. (Courier Journal photo by Michael Clevenger) —– Health officials are working “to convince a skeptical public in south-central Kentucky of the risk of...
Beshear stops in-person schooling as of Mon., indoor food service as of Fri., imposes other restrictions; legislative leaders object
One of the slides Gov. Andy Beshear used during his news briefing Wednesday. —– By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News As coronavirus cases surge across Kentucky and the number of...
Broker says Anthem’s new short-term plan will undermine Obamacare; Anthem says it’s designed to complement ACA plans
Screenshot of Anthem Enhanced Choice website —– By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News This story has been updated to reflect that the Anthem Enhanced Choice plans cover all 10 of...
Virus-case average is at new high in Ky., as are hospital and ICU cases; national expert advises, ‘Don’t swap air with people’
Ky. Dept. for Public Health graph, adapted by Ky. Health News; for a larger version, click on it. —– This story has been revised to correct a statement in the news release....
Coronavirus vaccine will come with challenges and cautions, and we’ll still need to be careful while it proves itself, experts say
Dr. Kevin Kavanagh —– By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Even after a vaccine is approved for the novel coronavirus and is widely distributed, it will still be important to...