Category: TOBACCO
Bills filed to let cities and counties regulate marketing and sale of tobacco products and vaping materials more strictly than state
Coalition for a Smoke-Free Tomorrow illustration —– By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Lawmakers in both the House and Senate have filed bills to let cities and counties more strictly...
Omnibus relief bill includes ban on mail sales of e-cigarette products; FedEx will not handle shipments after March 1
The catch-all bill to keep the government open, provide pandemic relief and do many other things includes a ban on mail shipments of electronic-cigarette products, and apply federal laws on...
Study of young people’s e-cigarette use early in pandemic shows many had quit or cut back, but some under 21 were still buying
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News A study of young electronic-cigarette users in May found that most had cut back their use of the products since the pandemic began, but...
Graphic warnings for cigarette packs and ads postponed again
Food and Drug Administration illustration of some proposed labels —- A judge has given cigarette manufacturers until Jan. 14, 2022 to place graphic warning labels on their traditional cigarette packs,...
Pilot study shows correlation between persistent cough and use of electronic cigarettes by University of Kentucky students
Photo by Diego Servo, iStock/Getty Images, via UK —– By Emily Domer University of Kentucky A small-scale study at the University of Kentucky shows correlations between persistent cough among college students and...
McCracken County student who got hooked on e-cigs, then fought for limits on them, is named a Kentucky Healthy Policy Champion
Abby Hefner —– A Paducah-area high-school junior has been named a Healthy Kentucky Policy Champion for advocating for policies that help prevent youth tobacco use, after she was addicted to...
Employee of convenience-store chain named Ky. Healthy Policy Champion for helping prevent tobacco sales to underage buyers
Albert Gray —– Albert Gray of Five Star Food Marts has been named a Healthy Kentucky Policy Champion for his contributions to preventing the sale of tobacco products to underage consumers of...
Dec. 14 webinar will focus on the mental health of young people; latest in health foundation’s annual policy forum series
The fourth of five free webinars about efforts to reduce disease and unhealthy behaviors that often begin in childhood will focus on ways to better understand youth and ways to...
Ky. Center for Smoke-free Policy recognizes communities, groups and individuals who work to create smoke-free communities
Lori Fulton Brookbank is Smoke-free Advocate of the Year. Image from the Smoke-free Tomorrow Facebook page —– The Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy honored communities, groups and individuals from across the state who...
97% of school districts have tobacco-free policies, including e-cigs
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Only five of Kentucky’s 172 school districts have not passed a tobacco-free policy to line up with a state law that went into effect...