‘Vigilance and protective measures are essential to save lives’ from overdoses in pandemic, state health secretary writes
Eric Friedlander —– By Eric Friedlander Secretary, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services “Together, we are stronger than opioids.” It’s a uniting mantra we use as part of the...
Telehealth is improving access to health care; digital interactions emerge as a silver lining to the pandemic’s dark cloud
Max Coyne does telehealth. (Photo provided to the University of Kentucky) —– By Shannon Clinton The Lane Report Amy Coyne noticed her 9-year-old son Max wasn’t feeling well and booked a...
State fair won’t be public; bars will be allowed to reopen with stricter rules; hospitalizations set record, reflecting July surge
Kentucky Health News chart based on initial daily numbers, which are often slightly revised —– By Al Cross Kentucky Health News This month’s Kentucky State Fair will be only for...
Positive-test rate goes above 5.5%, making Beshear consider recommending another delay of in-person schooling
Ky. Health News adaptation of chart shown by Health and Family Service Secretary Eric Friedlander —– By Al Cross Kentucky Health News More Kentuckians are testing positive for the novel...
Latest White House report has fewer Kentucky counties in danger zones, drops two points of preventive advice from previous report
Table from White House Coronavirus Task Force report; for a larger version, click on it. —– By Al Cross Kentucky Health News Kentucky got a better report this week from...
Covid-19 cases up and hospitalizations at record high, but Beshear says virus leveling off in Ky.; calls for more federal aid
Chart by Daniel Desrochers of Lexington Herald-Leader shows past month’s covid-19 hospitalizations. —– By Melissa Patrick and Al Cross Kentucky Health News After reporting 700 new cases of the coronavirus...
Beshear: Drop in virus cases lines up with mask mandate, and 200,000 more in Ky. would follow it if Trump wore one routinely
By Melissa Patrick and Al Cross Kentucky Health News The state’s top doctor said Monday that from a medical standpoint, Kentucky has done “a pretty good job” dealing with coronavirus,...
Almost half of counties still lack syringe exchanges, including 20 of those most vulnerable to drug-related disease outbreaks
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Most Kentucky counties now have harm-reduction programs to fight drug abuse, but the coronavirus pandemic has slowed their expansion and complicated the work of...
July 26 federal report said that in most of Ky., nursing-home visits should stop, and obese, diabetics, hypertensive should stay home
By Al Cross Kentucky Health News The latest weekly report to states from the White House Coronavirus Task Force contains many recommendations for state and local officials that Kentucky officials have not implemented or...
Pandemic calls for local leadership and trusted voices
By Al Cross Kentucky Health News This was originally published as a column in Norman Chaffins and Donnie Keeton probably never expected to see their name in a column about...