Not only may you not get to keep your plan under Obamacare, you might not be able to keep your doctor; there are reasons
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News Part of the sales pitch for the federal health-care reform law was that people could keep their doctors, but many Americans and some Kentuckians won’t...
Humana allows policyholders to keep old plans without paying more; Anthem is still deciding
Humana, one of the three insurance companies offering individual health policies on the state’s insurance exchange, will allow Kentuckians to keep their insurance coverage for another year without charging them...
Beshear to study nursing-home staffing minimums, suggests homes’ high liability costs are related to poorly ranked care
Responding to a letter from Kentuckians for Nursing Home Reform, which cited a low ranking for the state’s nursing homes, Gov. Steve Beshear said he is “committed to taking steps toward...
Life Lessons from Cancer encourages those with cancer to build a network of support
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News The fight against cancer requires not only a personal commitment to mind, body and soul; it also requires the support and physical help of...
Doctors give nurse practitioners more leeway on prescriptions; senator says tort-reform lobbies should play hardball with money
“Concerns about a growing doctor shortage, especially in rural Kentucky, is fueling the urgency for lawmakers and medical groups to agree on an approach to allow nurse practitioners to be...
First diabetes educator license is issued in Kentucky
Kim DeCoste (photo via AADE) Kentucky is the first state to issue a diabetes educator license, according to a press release from the Kentucky Board of Licensed Diabetes Educators. Kim...
Haynes asks hospitals for a truce as they and state work through problems with managed-care Medicaid
Health and Family Services Secretary Audrey Haynes won a smattering of applause from Kentucky hospital officials Thursday as she called for “not a surrender, but a truce” as her cabinet...
Ky. Hospital Association defends ‘critical access’ designation that gives small, rural hospitals a federal financial boost
The Kentucky Hospital Association came out strongly for continued federal support of small, rural hospitals Thursday, objecting to a proposal that the “critical access hospital” designation be based entirely on...
Beshear and two other Democratic governors say Obamacare is working in their states, and cite examples
Gov. Steve Beshear continues to be a major national cheerleader for the federal health-reform law, citing Kentucky examples in an op-ed piece he and the Democratic governors of Connecticut and...
Most Kentucky hospitals will pay Medicare penalties under health reform, one the country’s largest; look them up here
More Kentucky hospitals are receiving penalties than bonuses in the second year of Medicare’s quality incentive programs, one of the federal health reform law’s changes designed to create financial rewards...