Kentucky will soon require simple screening at birth to detect silent killers of newborns
A new state law taking effect in January will require all babies born in Kentucky to be screened for critical congenital heart disease, which is often a silent killer of...
Kentucky Spirit still plans to leave state July 5; judge rules that state can’t require company to stay for two-month transition
In the latest development in the saga of the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services and Medicaid managed-care firm Kentucky Spirit, the company appears to be the victor, at...
The school health services gamble: Ky. health departments could win on the state’s bet against Kentucky Spirit’s appeal of ruling
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News Kentucky’s health departments may soon get money for school nurses, based on a court ruling in May that said Medicaid managed-care firm Kentucky Spirit must pay for treatments...
Parents should walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to healthy eating and exercise, study shows
A new study highlights the influential role parents have in shaping their children’s eating and exercise habits. Children of mothers who encourage them to exercise and eat well, while doing...
Eye doctors warn about danger from fireworks, even sparklers; optometrists provide safety tips
The Fourth of July goes hand in glove with firework displays. Most families protect parents and children against the dangers of fireworks, but thousands still visit the emergency room every...
Kids Count report shows where children in your county and school district rank, in a huge number of measures
Conditions have improved slightly for Kentucky children, especially in education and health, and the state’s overall well-being ranking has gone up one spot, from 35th to 34th in the nation. But...
New York Times starts series that will study Affordable Care Act’s implementation and impact in Louisville area
It’s the calm before the health-care storm, and amid the uncertainty of how the health-care reform law will be implemented, health-care conditions in Louisville, Ky., seem to make it a...
Republican lawmaker says state should switch to block-grant system for Medicaid
Democratic Gov. Steve Beshear has argued that his expansion of Medicaid under federal health reform will improve Kentucky’s health, but a freshman Republican legislator with experience in state health policy...
Kentucky and online audiences hear discussion of proposed system for patients to report medical errors; comments due July 8
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News The Obama administration is creating a new system for patients to report medical mistakes because existing systems fail to do so, and if all...
AMA calls obesity a disease; could spur coverage for treatment
The American Medical Association now recognizes obesity as a disease, which may make it easier for Kentuckians to fight the state’s obesity epidemic by gaining insurance coverage for necessary medical treatment....