Spring-clean the cabinet and dump your drugs Saturday, April 27
Dump your unwanted prescription drugs this Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as part of the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, which in the past has coordinated...
Poll shows more than half of Ky. adults have no dental insurance and many go without essential dental care
Routine dental care is essential to overall health, but a new poll shows 1.7 million Kentucky adults do not have dental insurance. That is more than times the number of...
Itchy, watery eyes? Some tips to relieve spring allergy symptoms
The sunshine and bright colors of spring are here, but so are seasonal allergies from pollen, dander, smog or mold that can often lead to itchy, watery eyes. Eye irritation...
Business leaders discuss possibility of expanding Medicaid through private insurance
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News Some Kentucky business leaders are discussing a possible endorsement of expanding Medicaid through private insurance, in a plan similar to one the federal government...
Baucus sees a health-reform ‘train wreck,’ fearing insurance exchanges won’t be ready
Max Baucus (J. Scott Applewhite, AP) Senator Max Baucus, who as Senate Finance Committee chair helped write the health-care reform law, has become the highest-ranking Democrat to publicly voice concerns...
FDA requires OxyContin pills to be non-crushable to deter abuse
The Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that it would block generic, crushable versions of OxyContin from coming to the market and approve the reformulated, non-crushable OxyContin, which deters abuse...
Deadly, drug-resistant bacteria are becoming more common in Kentucky hospitals; key lawmaker wants to require public reporting
Nightmarish, drug-resistant bacteria that cause deadly infections are becoming more common in Kentucky hospitals, and a leading legislator on health issues says they should be required to report each case....
Health departments raise, or try to raise, tax rates to offset state cuts, higher benefit costs and Medicaid payment problems
Some county health departments are trying, and others may try, to increase property-tax rates to make up for Medicaid shortfalls, program cuts and the rising costs of employee benefits so...
New website for after-school programs promotes ‘Drink Right, Move More and Snack Smart’ to fight childhood obesity
To combat the country’s childhood obesity epidemic, ChildObesity180, a new initiative from Tufts University, has launched Healthy Kids Hub, a website with resources for out-of-school-time programs, encouraging kids to develop...
National Rx Drug Abuse Summit, a Kentucky product, seeks to make the nation face up to its problem
The second annual National Rx Drug Abuse Summit, organized by Eastern Kentucky’s Operation UNITE, called for a national commitment to combating the country’s drug-abuse problem U.S. Rep. Hal Rogers, R-5th...