Tea Party protesters object to state-run health insurance exchange; leader says if there is one, feds should run it
By Tara Kaprowy Kentucky Health News A public meeting in Frankfort to get stakeholders’ input about development of a state-operated health insurance exchange Monday was attended by dozens of Tea...
More residency placements will be needed as medical school enrollments rise, perhaps by 30 percent through 2016
Aimed at addressing expected physician shortages, enrollment at U.S. medical schools is on target to increase by 30 percent by 2016, the Medical School Enrollment Survey has found. But even...
Local health care centers in Ky. get $16.5 million in federal grants
Kentucky recently received $16.5 million in grant for health care centers as part of the Affordable Care Act. Recipients include Family Health Center Inc. in Louisville ($5 million); Cumberland Family...
Lessons in battling obesity can be learned from the anti-tobacco movement, but there are big differences
To make real headway in battling the obesity epidemic, lessons can be learned from the war on smoking — though the two public-health issues have certain unique challenges. Judith Graham,...
4 of 5 Kentuckians think child obesity is a problem, and more than half favor a statewide smoking ban, poll finds
More than four out of five Kentuckians think too many children are overweight, and more than half want a statewide smoking ban. These are two of key findings of the...
Report looks at ways Kentucky communities are battling obesity
Winchester residents walk the Traveling Trail, a walking path meant to encourage residents to exercise. A new report takes a hard look at obesity in Kentucky and highlights what individual...
‘Health for a Change’ webinar training series starts May 16, with session on where to find and how to use health data
How to find county-specific health data and how to use it to make community changes will be the focus of an hour-long webinar May 16. The free session is the...
Cabinet must ‘wield the stick’ to get managed care under control, state auditor says
Though the state has a solid contract “filled with all the mechanisms you need for enforcement, from the carrots to the sticks,” the Cabinet for Health and Family Services has...
New oral health coalition expected to spur changes in state
By Tara Kaprowy Kentucky Health News For the past 30 years, Dr. Fred Howard of Harlan has been seating patients in his blue dental chair and telling them to open...
Coventry agrees to keep covering ARH patients until June 30
After a two-hour hearing in federal court, managed-care firm CoventryCares agreed yesterday to keep paying Appalachian Regional Healthcare for treating Medicaid patients at its hospitals through at least June 30...