Survey shows 75 percent of Bullitt County residents favor smoking ban; measure to be considered tomorrow
A survey found 75 percent of 400 Bullitt County residents would support a smoking ban in businesses. The numbers were released a day before the Bullitt County Board of Health...
Kentucky companies adjust to new federal rules requiring accommodations for breast-feeding mothers
Rules in the federal health-care refom law are resulting in Kentucky companies making room and time for mothers breast-feeding their children, the Lexington Herald-Leader‘s Mary Meehan reports. Louisville Metro Government...
As meds-for-meth bill languishes, some seek compromise, but bill’s sponsor says proposals would render it ineffective
By Al Cross and Tara Kaprowy Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues As the bill to require prescriptions for three widely used decongestants remains short of votes to pass...
Idaho study: Drug testing for state-aid recipients inefficient
As discussion continues among Kentucky lawmakers over whether public-assistance recipients should undergo mandatory drug testing, an Idaho study has concluded such an undertaking is not cost-effective. “The costs of legal...
Red wine, dark chocolate make for heart-healthy Valentine’s
Those seeking to stay heart healthy even on the most romantic day of the year won’t have to look much farther than the wine rack, scientific research source Newswise reports....
Legislators expected to ban products containing addictive, powerful ingredient marketed as ‘bath salts’
Kentucky is one of an increasing number of states proposing an emergency ban on products marketed as “bath salts,” which can cause paranoia, hallucinations and even violent behavior. The product,...
Two bills aim to establish registry for abusers of adults
Identical bills have been filed in the House and Senate to establish a state registry of people who have abused or neglected adults. Senate Bill 38, sponsored by Sen. Julie...
Senate quickly passes bill to allow optometrists to perform minor surgical procedures; ophthalmologists say that would be risky
“The Senate approved a bill Friday to allow optometrists to perform some surgical procedures on the eye and eyelid, brushing aside warnings from medical doctors who said optometrists are not...
State’s Tobacco Quit Line is now available to users aged 15-17
The state Tobacco Quit Line will now offer counseling services to Kentuckians aged 15 to 17 to help them give up cigarettes or other tobacco products. The line had been...
Beshear backs bills to protect seniors from abuse but doesn’t endorse minimum staffing for nursing homes
Gov. Steve Beshear today endorsed a package of previously introduced bills that he said would give the elderly and other adults more protection against abuse and exploitation, but it did...