Woodford County coalition formed to improve dental health
The Woodford County Oral Health Coalition has partnered with nine local dentists to give free dental care to 16 elementary students in the Woodford County public school system. On Jan....
Decongestant prescription bill passes panel; both parties split
After hearing an endorsement from Kentucky’s senior member of Congress, and opposition from the wife of another Republican congressman, a state Senate committee voted 6-4 to require precriptions for decongestants...
Annual Economic Report from UK business school examines impact of health-care reform, state of oral health in Kentucky
The federal health-reform law could have a big impact on Kentucky’s uninsured population, and Kentuckians’ oral health is improving but still at risk. Those are two major health findings in...
Bill filed to tighten oversight of Medicaid managed care programs
In the wake of an eye-opening audit of Passport Health Plan, a Democratic lawmaker is sponsoring a bill to tighten the oversight over such Medicaid managed-care programs. State Rep. Jimmie Lee of...
McConnell’s health care repeal fails on party-line vote
The Senate voted along strictly partisan lines tonight not to repeal the health-care reform law of 2010, but Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky vowed to keep trying. All 50...
Study: Children are obese because of bad habits, not heredity
Researchers at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center have found poor health habits, not heredity, are making children fat. Check-ups of 1,003 Michigan sixth-graders showed children who were obese were...
C-J examines effect of prescription drug abuse on Ky. children
The Courier-Journal continued today its series “Prescription for Tragedy,” an in-depth look at the effects of prescription drug abuse across the state. For today’s installment, reporters Emily Hagedorn and Laura...
Four out of five Americans look on Internet to answer health questions; third most common reason to surf
Finding answers to questions about their health is the third most common reason Americans use the Internet, a survey by the Pew Internet Project has found. Emailing and using searching engines...
As debt deepens and auditors arrive, Adair County hospital CEO resigns and is apparently escorted from the building
The CEO of Westlake Regional Hospital in Columbia “resigned Monday morning and was apparently escorted out of the hospital,” reports the Adair County Community Voice. Rusty Tungate “and eight others...