As renowned minister fights two tough diseases, journalist chronicles his journey
A well-known Kentucky pastor is nearing the end of his battle with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Laura Ungar, health writer for The Courier-Journal, has been chronicling Charles Music’s fight since 2005....
Republican lawmaker, a nurse and former hospital boss, offers bills to help children’s health, gets criticism from tea-party types
By Tara Kaprowy Kentucky Health News A Republican legislator from Northern Kentucky is proposing several bills that she says would improve children’s health, defending herself from criticism by conservative bloggers who...
Health officials to immunize child-care workers for whooping cough, which is making a comeback
Amid a rash of whooping-cough cases, Northern Kentucky health officials will immunize child-care workers against the disease. The effort is to help stop the infection, also known as pertussis, from...
Legislator wants ban on caffeinated energy drinks
Kentucky teenagers will have to be 18 in order to buy high-caffeine energy drinks if state Rep. Danny Ford, R-Mount Vernon, has his way. The lawmaker, left, told The Associated...
Your blogger believes health coverage can change lives
Tara Kaprowy, the chief blogger for Kentucky Health News, is a freelance journalist living in Somerset. At the end of 2010, she left her post at The Sentinel-Echo in London, where,...
Musical reminder fights bed sores in nursing homes
Ten Kentucky nursing homes are using music to cue health care workers when patients with bed sores need to be moved. Laura Ungar of The Courier-Journal reports that a burst...
Conflicting health stories can cause confusion
Conflicting headlines involving the dos and don’ts for how to stay healthy were discussed by a panel in Louisville late last month, The Courier-Journal‘s Darla Carter reports. “In January, I...
Florida is slow to close valves on ‘pill pipeline’
The “pill pipeline” from Florida to Central Appalachia and other regions has not been closed despite the passage of laws in Florida to tighten controls on prescription painkillers, Bill Estep...
Welcome to Kentucky Health News
Welcome to Kentucky Health News, a web log about events, trends, issues and ideas about health care and health in Kentucky, published by the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community...