Tag: abortion
Female legislator files bill to put restrictions on erectile-dysfunction medications to make a point about men pushing abortion bills
Rep. Mary Lou Marzian Fed up with a string of anti-abortion bills backed by religious conservatives, Democratic state Rep. Mary Lou Marzian of Louisville has filed a bill that would...
New Planned Parenthood clinic in Louisville suspends abortions after order from Bevin; anti-abortion bills abound in legislature
Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky started offering abortions for the first time in Kentucky Jan. 21, but stopped a week later when Republican Gov. Matt Bevin’s administration raised objections about...
House passes Senate’s abortion-consultation bill, after adding a teleconference option
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News FRANKFORT, Ky. — The Democrat-led House of Representatives voted 92-3 Thursday to require women seeking an abortion to have a face-to-face consultation with a...
Religious business owners and corporations have filed half the lawsuits over health reform mandate to cover contraception
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News Some religious business owners are filing suit against the government, saying the health-reform law violates the constitutional freedom of religion by mandating employee contraceptive...
Abortion bills die in House Health and Welfare Committee
Four bills that would have made it more difficult to have an abortion in Kentucky won’t make it past the House Health and Welfare Committee. House Bill 390 and House...