Tag: Appalachia
Rural drug-overdose rates, high in Kentucky, blamed partly on limits on treatment medication and mental-health services
“People in rural areas of Appalachia are more likely to die early deaths than in other parts of the country,” and a big reason is that they “die from drug...
Preliminary research finds a web-based reward program helps teens and pregnant smokers in Appalachia quit smoking
A new web-based program that uses a reward system to help people quit smoking has shown some promise in Appalachian Kentucky, an area that has some of the highest smoking...
Eastern Kentucky stroke survivors in community support program get the support they need to keep from returning to the hospital
Early results of a new program show that stroke patients who get support with education, resources and care coordination after they leave the hospital are less likely to be readmitted,...
Ten hospitals and hospital groups to collaborate on improving Kentucky’s health, reduce cost of care and share best practices
Ten major hospitals and hospital groups have created the Kentucky Health Collaborative in an effort to reverse the state’s poor health statistics, share best practices and reduce the cost of care...
West Virginia researcher says mountaintop-removal mining correlates with poor health in Central Appalachia, including Ky.
Michael Hendryx By Tim Mandell Kentucky Health News No apparent health disparity exists in Appalachia except in areas where mountaintop removal is occurring, said Michael Hendryx, professor at the School...
Big Sandy Diabetes Coalition in E. Ky. helps counties take charge of this disease that affects 15.2 percent of the area’s population
The Big Sandy Diabetes Coalition in Eastern Kentucky works to help the communities it serves take responsibility for ensuring quality systems of diabetes prevention and care are accessible and utilized...
Appalachian smoking cessation studies suggest changes in tactics, such as being blunter with pregnant smokers
Two long-term smoking cessation projects in Appalachia have prompted researchers to change to a more direct approach with pregnant smokers, telling them the risks to their babies, and to look...
Farm to School program teaches Perry County students how to eat healthier, explores local food as an industry in Eastern Ky.
Image from WYMT Mountain News Perry County students are learning about nutrition through the Farm to School program, which aims to inform students about healthy food while supporting local food...
New research building at UK will focus on state’s health disparities
Artist’s rendering of new research center A new research facility that will focus on addressing the health challenges and disparities in Kentucky is being built on the University of Kentucky‘s...
Study will try to find lessons from Appalachian communities that have overcome challenges to have better-than-expected health
PDA Inc. of Raleigh, N.C., has been named the lead investigator for “Creating a Culture of Health in Appalachia: Disparities and Bright Spots,” a research project to look at the...