Tag: children
Rural women are less likely to complete vaccinations for cervical-cancer virus; study finds vaccine does not increase sexual activity
Women living in rural areas of the U.S. were far less likely to return for their follow-up doses after they get the initial injection of the human papillomavirus vaccine, a...
Kentucky is 43rd among the states in health rankings report
Kentucky is near the bottom of the list in a ranking that determines which states are the healthiest. It came in 43rd, up from 44th last year. Kentucky’s low ranking...
County data paint specific pictures of health; Ashland paper is one of first to pick up on it and do a story
More progress is needed to make sure children from low-income families are going to the dentist is just one of the findings of the 2011 Kentucky Kids Count County Data,...
Kentucky Youth Advocates gets $100,000 to push for income-tax policies aimed at helping the poor improve their health
Kentucky Youth Advocates is one of 12 coalitions nationwide to receive a “Roadmaps to Health” grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The non-profit children’s advocacy organization will receive $100,000...
Twice as many kids are killed on roads and streets on Halloween as on any other day, but many parents fail to discuss safety
Only one-third of parents talk to their children each year about how to stay safe on Halloween, a study released by the Safe Kids Fayette County Program has found, even...
Tips for staying safe this Halloween include avoiding decorative contact lenses
Though ghouls and goblins willbe out in full force, there will be other, unexpected dangers lurking on Halloween, some before kids even leave the house. Though glowing, oddly-colored eyes might...
Promising tooth varnish that prevents tooth decay will be applied to 25,000 students in 16 Kentucky Appalachian counties
Using an innovative fluoride technique, about 25,000 children in 16 Appalachian Kentucky counties will receive preventive dental care at school, under a $1.25 million pilot project announced by Gov. Steve...
Kentucky ranks 41st in nation for child welfare, report finds
“In the face of poverty and other economic woes, Kentucky is one of the worst states in the nation when it comes to children’s health,” reports Jenna Mink of Bowling...
Kentuckians gather to support breastfeeding; part of world event
Kentuckians gathered in several places Saturday to show their support of breast feeding. Events were held in Ashland, Edgewood, Lexington, Louisville, Nicholasville, Owensboro and Paducah as a part of the...
Study indicates risk of fatal birth defects is higher in counties with mountaintop-removal coal mining
“Children born in counties home to mountaintop coal mines had a 26 percent higher risk of suffering” a fatal birth defect “compared to ones born in non-mining regions,” according to...