Tag: diabetes
Ashland hospital expands into wellness and prevention programs
By Judi Kanne Kentucky Health News Hospitals’ basic business is taking care of the sick and injured, not keeping people from getting sick. But more and more of them are...
Study indicates fast food contains industrial chemicals linked to health problems such as infertility, diabetes and allergies
People who eat a lot of fast food have higher levels of chemicals that “have been linked to a number of adverse health outcomes, including higher rates of infertility,” especially...
Did you know that smoking can lead to Type 2 diabetes?
Smoking can lead to diabetes, and then cause more complications from the disease. So writes Dr. Laura B. Hieronymus, associate director of education and quality services at the Barnstable Brown...
KentuckyOne Health promoting whole-food, plant-based diet, named No. 1 for heart health by U.S. news panel of experts
One in every eight Kentuckians suffers from diabetes, and the state ranks 12th in adult obesity, with 31.6 percent of its adults obese and 39 percent suffering high blood pressure,...
Newly diagnosed diabetics treated for gum disease have lower health costs; shows need to integrate oral health and primary care
Newly diagnosed diabetics who are monitored and treated for gum disease have lower health-care costs, according to a study by the American Dental Association Health Policy Institute. The study, published...
Authors of The Great Diabetes Epidemic appearing in half-hour show several times on KET channels this week
Dr. Gilbert Friedell and J. Isaac Joyner, co-authors of The Great Diabetes Epidemic: A Manifesto for Control and Prevention, discuss the topic with Dr. Wayne Tuckson in a half-hour “Kentucky...
Dangerous and stealthy, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is on the rise, but is reversible with weight loss and exercise
Many Kentuckians and other Americans are walking around with a liver disease that has the potential of progressing to cirrhosis, which can then lead to liver failure, and don’t even...
Tips to help diabetics manage the holidays
The holiday season creates some challenging hurdles for those who have diabetes, but they shouldn’t ruin the fun if you plan ahead, according to diabetes expert at New York’s Stony Brook University....
Ky. inches up in national health ranking, due to more coverage, HPV vaccination; but at 44th, it still has much work to do
Graphics are from America’s Health Ranking report By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Kentucky ranked in the bottom 10 states for 12 of the 34 measures ranked by the 2015...
New cases of diabetes decrease, but experts continue to call it an epidemic in Kentucky and the U.S.
The number of new diabetes cases in adults has significantly decreased in Kentucky and the U.S., reversing a trend, according to a federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report,...