Tag: drug treatment
Sick of all the bad facts about Kentucky’s health? Here’s encouraging news about oral health and drug treatment
Despite the plethora of bad news about Kentucky’s poor health status, there are many positive initiatives for Kentucky’s oral health and substance abuse treatment, which were stories buried under health...
Fort Campbell works to address post-traumatic stress disorder, common ailment of Afghanistan-Iraq veterans
Research shows almost 14 percent of veterans returning home from Iraq and Afganistan suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and as an estimated 2 million veterans are coming home, Fort...
Pike court will keep lawsuit county and attorney general filed against Purdue Pharma over damage done by its OxyContin
A state court will hear the Kentucky attorney general’s 2007 lawsuit against OxyContin manufacturer Purdue Pharma, against the wishes of the company. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit...
Managed-care doctor creates process to steer pregnant Medicaid recipients who are using dangerous drugs into treatment
When Dr. Jeremy Corbett of Lexington found that “nearly one in five pregnant women enrolled in the Medicaid managed-care program where he works were using narcotics or other harmful drugs,” he...
Oregon may show the way for Kentucky in drug treatment
In facing up to its need for more drug-treatment facilities, Kentucky could learn some lessons from Oregon, Courier-Journal reporter Laura Ungar writes in the third and last part of her...
In starting its sixth package in series on prescription drug abuse, The Courier-Journal shows treatment programs fall short of need
Brittany Crouch suffers through withdrawal in Frenchburgbefore leaving for treatment in Lexington, as daughterKaylee Adams, 3, cries. (C-J photo by Alton Strupp) “In a state plagued by one of the...
Veteran journalist sees hope in residential drug recovery program
“Kentucky’s struggle to help its citizens who suffer from dependency on drugs and alcohol recently reached an impressive goal when leaders of that struggle who are prominent in different political...
Most Kentuckians want to treat drug offenders, not jail them
Days after a bill was passed that will reduce prison time for the state’s low-risk, non-violent drug offenders, the 2010 Kentucky Health Issues Poll shows that seven in 10 Kentuckians...
Morehead substance-abuse center gets $250,000 grant
The Morehead Inspiration Center, a substance-abuse rehabilitation facility, has received $250,000 from the state, funds that will be used to expand recovery options for addicts. MIC is part of Recovery...
Skyrocketing prescription drug abuse is subject for examination by Kentucky’s two biggest newspapers
The uphill battle against prescription drug abuse across the state was extensively explored in Kentucky’s two largest newspapers this weekend. In their series titled “Prescription for Tragedy,” which continues today, The...