Tag: education
Health care jobs are expected to expand as we age; newspaper in Bowling Green looks at its region
Jobs in health care are not only available for those without bachelor’s degrees, such jobs are likely to become more prevalent, according to data collected in the Barren River Area...
Pediatric therapist says ADHD rising because kids don’t move their bodies enough; says they need to play outside
The percentage of children diagnosed with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is on the rise. While many reasons are mentioned, one that is not heard often is the length...
Russell County school board makes all campuses tobacco-free, but delays implementation for one year
The Russell County Board of Education has voted to make all the county’s school campuses tobacco-free a year from now, “After some lengthy discussion by the board and visitors,” The...
Health advocates recommend teaching children benefits of healthy food, even raw, to adapt to school-meal guidelines
Health advocates say that teaching people, especially children, about nutrition and the value of new federal guidelines for school meals can help improve Kentucky’s health, Jacqueline Pitts reports for “Pure...
WellCare of Kentucky removes co-pays for most Medicaid members and offers to pay for GED course for many
WellCare Health Plans Inc. is improving its Medicaid benefits in Kentucky by removing most members’ co-pays and covering the cost of the General Educational Development test and its corresponding coursework...
UK awarded $1.9 million to improve recruitment, preparation and retention of science, tech, engineering and math students
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has awarded the University of Kentucky a five-year, $1.9 million grant to improve retention of students in the STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics,...
Berea students’ second health fair tackles touchy topics
Della Walters tries to walk straight while wearing “drunk goggles” at the Berea health fair. (Richmond Register photo by Crystal Wylie) Student-run health fairs are becoming more popular across Kentucky,...
Smoking persists or even increases in poor, rural, working-class counties; New York Times cites Clay County as an example
Clay County has a dubious distinction. It has the highest rate of smoking for any U.S. county with a population under 15,000. Researchers at the University of Washington pointed that out,...
Child obesity persists among the poor and less educated; early-life factors also matter; Kentucky’s rate is high
Although youth obesity has become slightly less prevalent, most of the improvement has been restricted to children in families with higher salaries and educations, according to a Harvard University Kennedy School of...
Less than a third of school districts in Ky., which has high child-obesity rates, are in program to increase physical activity
Fifty-four of Kentucky’s 173 school districts have joined a national initiative to increase physical activity in schools, and school officials hope other school districts will soon join in. Let’s Move...