Tag: health care
Artificial intelligence was hot topic at Kentucky Chamber’s inaugural Healthcare Innovation Summit
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Artificial intelligence was one of the hot topics at the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce‘s inaugural Healthcare Innovation Summit, held Feb. 21 in Louisville. The...
UK board approves Advancing Kentucky Together Network, a new program to address health of state
Kentucky Health News A plan to address the growing health, education and workforce needs across the state called the Advancing Kentucky Together Network has been approved by the University of...
Rural veterans less likely than urban counterparts to receive mental health care, says study
Rural veterans are less likely than their urban counterparts to receive treatment for mental health conditions, says a study by the federal Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality and the...
Nov. 11 Health Coverage Workshop offers something for all journalists, even their bosses
Kentucky faces many unique health challenges, but they don’t get enough news coverage, which hamstrings the state and its communities from fully addressing their health problems. These challenges and how...
Region served by Lexington hospitals ranks low in health but beats expectations in lowering rates of uninsured
By Danielle Ray Kentucky Health News The region served by Lexington hospitals, most of the eastern half of Kentucky, has the worst health ranking of any such area in the...
Area served by Paducah hospitals was among nation’s most improved health regions from 2011 to 2014, data indicate
By Danielle Ray Kentucky Health News The health of the region served by Paducah hospitals is among the nation’s most improved in the last few years, according to data compiled...
Owensboro health-care region ranks as healthiest of five such regions with their major hospitals in Kentucky
By Danielle Ray Kentucky Health News The health of the region served by Owensboro hospitals is the best of any hospital referral region based in Kentucky. So says data compiled...
Region served by Louisville hospitals gets slightly higher health ranking but remains among poor performers
By Danielle Ray Kentucky Health News The health of the region served by Louisville hospitals appears to have increased slightly over the past few years but remains well below average....
Northern Kentucky hospital region’s health ranking remains below national average and Cincinnati’s
By Danielle Ray Kentucky Health News The health of the region served by Covington hospitals remained below the national average in 2014. So says data compiled by The Commonwealth Fund, a foundation that...
Feds ease access to most common drug against opioid addiction
Photo from thefix.com By Danielle Ray and Al Cross Kentucky Health News Federal drug rules will soon loosen so that doctors can accommodate nearly triple the number of patients they...