Tag: health insurance
Medicaid expansion is at stake in the Nov. 3 election for governor; Bevin’s spokeswoman offers a bit more detail of his plans
Kentucky could become the first state to reverse expansion of the Medicaid program under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Frankfort correspondent Adam Beam reports for The Associated Press....
Study finds people with high deductibles skimp on doctor visits
In theory, higher deductibles on health-insurance plans should force down health-care costs because patients will become smarter shoppers, but a study has found that patients shifted to a higher-deductible plan...
New outpatient psychiatric clinic in Louisville will accepts most insurance, including some Medicaid, which is not the norm
A new mental health clinic is opening in Louisville that will accept most forms of health insurance, including some Medicaid patients, which most smaller, outpatient psychiatric providers don’t accept, Joe...
Kentucky Health Cooperative, burdened by unhealthy policyholders and Congress’s cuts in a subsidy, is closing
By Al Cross Kentucky Health News The Kentucky Health Cooperative, which sold 75 percent of the policies bought through the state health-insurance exchange, is going out of business because it...
Proposed Medicare premium hike could cost Kentucky a lot, because some on Medicare are also on Medicaid
UPDATE, Nov.2: a two-year budget was passed by Congress Oct. 29 and awaits the signature of the president. The agreement will reduce the increase in Medicare premiums for Part B, which pays for...
Health-reform law has been substantively changed at least 14 times, most recently by Kentucky’s Rep. Brett Guthrie
While the debate over repealing “Obamacare” has polarized Washington and the country, Congress occasionally passes amendments to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The latest, signed by President Obama...
Infographics offer perspective, more data on impact of health-reform law in Kentucky
New infographics are available with information about the big reduction in the number of Kentuckians without health insurance from 2013 to 2014, when the federal health reform law took full...
Kynect tries to get more eligible people to sign up for subsidized insurance, disputes report that 2/3 of eligible haven’t enrolled
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News State officials recognize that there is a shortfall in the number of people who have signed up for subsidized health-insurance plans through Kynect, the...
Beshear: Bevin plan to repeal Medicaid expansion is ‘shortsighted’
Gov. Steve Beshear, in a statement released Tuesday, said Republican gubernatorial candidate Matt Bevin’s plan to repeal the expansion of Medicaid in Kentucky and his plan to find an alternative...
90 percent on state’s Kentucky Employee Health Plan are enrolled in its wellness program
If a focus on wellness and prevention is the key to living a longer life, then Kentucky public employees are well on their way with 90 percent of them now...