Tag: hospitals
UK HealthCare hires more than 300 nurses in program aimed at addressing workforce shortage
By Alexa Wingate University of Kentucky As part of the latest step to hire thousands of health-care workers over the next decade, UK HealthCare has hired more than 300 registered...
Investigation finds Ky. relies too much on psychiatric hospitals instead of community mental health services
By Nadia Ramiagan Kentucky News Connection A U.S. Department of Justice investigation has found Kentucky is failing to provide access to community-based mental health services for people who need them...
Kentucky hospital workforce is rebounding, but remains a “critical issue”
By Sarah Ladd Kentucky Lantern Kentucky’s non-doctor health care workforce is on the mend, though state hospitals still have thousands of unfilled positions. That’s according to an August report released...
Louisville’s Our Lady of Peace opens first retail pharmacist-operated, long-acting injection clinic; will mostly treat opioid abuse
Insider Louisville photo Kentucky is again leading the nation in finding ways to combat the...
Baptist Health lays off 288, loses its CEO amid losses
Steve Hanson Kentucky’s biggest hospital operator, Baptist Health, is going through a shakeup. The not-for-profit firm said last week that it would lay off 288 employees, most of them at...
Study analysis by Ky. critic of hospital safety estimates more than 200,000 preventable hospital-associated deaths each year
An analysis of two well-controlled studies estimates that the number of preventable hospital-associated deaths are over 200,000 each year, argues a commentary in the Journal of Patient Safety. In an...
Comparing national ratings that compare Kentucky hospitals
A federal agency, magazines and a consulting group have compiled ratings that allow comparison of hospitals. Now Dr. Kevin Kavanagh of Somerset-based Health Watch USA has compiled the ratings, allowing...
As patient-safety penalties hit hospitals, expert wonders why they aren’t improving more; could be eliminated by Obamacare repeal
This is the third year federal government will apply penalties to hospitals that fall short of patient safety standards, leading one Consumers Union leader to wonder why hospitals aren’t working...
Medicare cuts 11 Ky. hospitals for patient-safety issues; repeaters in Louisville, Danville, Hopkinsville, Lexington, Paducah, Florence
The federal government is penalizing 11 Kentucky hospitals for falling short on patient safety in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, two more than last year. Medicare has imposed...