Tag: hospitals
More hospital-acquired infections are reported in patients cared for nurses who are overworked, study finds
Getty Images stock photo. Overworked nurses dealing with heavy patient loads are associated with increases in hospital-acquired infections, say researchers with the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research at...
Rural hospital coalition urges Congress to spare Medicare programs that shore up rural health care
A coalition of rural hospitals are lobbying Congress to keep two Medicare programs that the National Rural Health Association says are vital to keep hundreds of smaller hospitals going. The...
Doctors shifting from private practice to large hospitals for more security under health-care reform
Associated Press photo by Michael Schennum. The days of hanging up a shingle and opening shop are becoming more and more unusual for doctors. Afraid of being left without protection in...
Safety-net hospitals could get hit hardest in Oct. when patient ratings will influence Medicare and Medicaid payments
When hospitals start getting paid based on the perceived quality of care they provide to their Medicare and Medicaid patients, so-called “safety net” hospitals, a last resort for the poor,...
Hospitals are not reporting cases of harm to patients; electronic health records may be key to solving the problem
By Tara Kaprowy Kentucky Health News Hospitals aren’t reporting cases in which medical care harmed a patient, making it difficult for providers to identify problems and fix them, according to...
Biggest problem with health-care reform law is advocates’ poor sales job to the American public, Rep. John Yarmuth tells C-J
By Tara Kaprowy Kentucky Health News The biggest problem with the federal health-care reform law is not the law itself, but the fact that “We’ve never done as good a...
University Hospital cuts contribution to U of L by half
University Hospital. Photo by Bill Luster, The Courier-Journal. In the midst of financial woes, University Hospital gave just half of what it normally does to the University of Louisville Health Sciences...
Rural health care is a notch below care in urban areas, but its costs are lower and its emergency rooms are faster, study finds
A national study has found a narrow gap between the quality of health care in rural and urban settings, but it does recognize the “significant differences” differences between urban and...
State takes Medicaid contractor Coventry’s side at hearing over dispute with Appalachian Regional Healthcare
“Appalachian Regional Healthcare argued for a federal injunction against Medicaid contractor Coventry Cares on Tuesday as negotiations for a new agreement between the two have stalled,” reports Mike Wynn of...