Tag: hospitals
KentuckyOne Health promoting whole-food, plant-based diet, named No. 1 for heart health by U.S. news panel of experts
One in every eight Kentuckians suffers from diabetes, and the state ranks 12th in adult obesity, with 31.6 percent of its adults obese and 39 percent suffering high blood pressure,...
Stephanie Mayfield Gibson, former state health commissioner, assumes new role at KentuckyOne Health
Stephanie Mayfield Gibson Former state health commissioner Stephanie Mayfield Gibson has joined the leadership team of KentuckyOne Health to coordinate its population health initiatives, according to a KentuckyOne Health news release....
Ten hospitals and hospital groups to collaborate on improving Kentucky’s health, reduce cost of care and share best practices
Ten major hospitals and hospital groups have created the Kentucky Health Collaborative in an effort to reverse the state’s poor health statistics, share best practices and reduce the cost of care...
There’s a big difference in hospitals, as various ranking systems show; op-ed analyzes the leading hospitals in Kentucky
Being a responsible health consumer requires some homework, especially when it comes to choosing a hospital, but if you wait until the emergency occurs it is likely too late to...
Louisville hospitals get grant to help people get health coverage; Jan. 31 is last day to get insurance or face a federal tax penalty
Jewish Hospital & St. Mary’s Foundation, part of KentuckyOne Health, has received a $108,000 grant to help uninsured people understand their health insurance options and get coverage for 2016, with...
In study of how 15 states dealt with health reform, Kentucky was by far No. 1 in cutting the number of unpaid hospital stays
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Kentucky hospitals had the biggest drop in non-paying patients among 15 states in an ongoing study of the effects of Medicaid expansion under federal...
Small, rural hospitals doing more orthopedic surgeries, but their 30-day death rate is one-third higher than that of larger hospitals
Critical-access hospitals, a linchpin of health care in rural areas, are performing many more orthopedic surgeries. But the Medicare patients who get the five most common orthopedic procedures at such...
U of L, Norton Healthcare end battle for control of Kosair Children’s Hospital with cooperative agreement
A battle for control of Kosair Children’s Hospital, between Norton Healthcare and the University of Louisville, has ended with agreements that give Norton clear control of the facility but give...
Ireland Army Community Hospital at Fort Knox to be replaced
The recently signed National Defense Authorization Act will provide $80 million to build a new 102,000 square-foot medical facility in Fort Knox to replace the existing Ireland Army Community Hospital,...
Medicaid expansion hasn’t produced the jobs that Beshear has claimed; here are the best numbers available
Kentucky’s expansion of the federal-state Medciaid program under federal health reform has not produced the jobs outgoing Gov. Steve Beshear says it has, Chris Otts reports for WDRB-TV in Louisville....