Tag: legislation
Doctor complaints about bill aimed at reducing prescription drug abuse largely based on misconceptions, health officials say
State health officials say doctors’ complaints about House Bill 1, which cracks down on pill mills and doctors who supply the illegal prescription pill trade, result from misunderstandings and misconceptions about the...
Smoke Free Kentucky Coalition’s multi-city tour launches push for statewide smoking ban in 2013 legislature
Backers of an effort to ban smoking in all public places in Kentucky took their message on the road this week in hopes of getting legislation passed in the 2013...
Four pain clinics already closed as ‘pill mill’ bill takes effect; Beshear says nine more haven’t applied, will be investigated
By Tara Kaprowy Kentucky Health News Just days after new legislation has taken effect to combat prescription drug abuse, four pain clinics in Kentucky say they will close, Gov. Steve...
Meds-for-meth bill drew record lobbying expenses, not even including radio and newspaper ad campaigns
Makers of over-the-counter drugs spent more than any lobbying interest ever had during a single Kentucky legislative session in their effort to defeat a bill requiring prescriptions for the key...
State prescription drug databases like KASPER cut back doctor shopping and drug abuse, new study shows
Photo by iStockphoto Research from the University of North Carolina indicates drug databases like the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting system do reduce doctor shopping and change prescribing behavior....
Major newspapers publish reflections, reactions and details (including videos) on new law that will fight ‘pill mills’
Reflections on the new law to fight “pill mills” are in both of Kentucky’s major metropolitan newspapers today. The Courier-Journal, which rightly takes partial credit for focusing attention on the...
Beshear OKs prescription bill, telling pill mills, ‘Get out of this state’
Saying it couldn’t get to his desk quickly enough, Gov. Steve Beshear signed a bill aimed at curbing prescription drug abuse in celebration today, warning so-called pill mills to “Get...
Pill-mill bill passes; attorney general won’t get drug-monitoring system but narcotic-prescribing doctors will have to use it
House Speaker Greg Stumbo, center, walkswith House budget committee chair RickRand and House Majority Floor LeaderRocky Adkins. (Courier-Journal photo). Legislators have sent Gov. Steve Beshear a bill to curb prescription...
Fighting prescription drug abuse back on legislative agenda
As expected, finding a way to fight prescription drug abuse was back on the legislative agenda as lawmakers gathered for Day 1 of their special session. House Speaker Greg Stumbo...