Tag: legislation
Meds-for-meth, pain-pill bills each clear a second chamber; both probably headed to conference committee(s)
“State lawmakers gave new life Wednesday to two bills designed to tackle Kentucky’s problems with methamphetamine labs and prescription drug abuse,” John Cheves and Jack Brammer report for the Lexington...
Senate panel OKs pill-mill bill with provision moving prescription-monitoring system to attorney general’s office
Over the objections of the Kentucky Medical Association, a Senate committee today approved a bill that would “transfer oversight of the state’s prescription-monitoring system from the Cabinet for Health and...
Amid legislative action on ‘Larry’s Law,’ report says mentally ill and intellectually disabled don’t belong in personal-care homes
By Tara Kaprowy Kentucky Health News As state legislators move to change the procedure for admitting mentally ill patients to personal-care homes, a new report argues those patients shouldn’t be...
Meds-for-meth bill stalls in state House committee
A measure aimed at curbing methamphetamine production failed to come to vote in the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday. Rep. John Tilley, a Hopkinsville Democrat who chairs the committee, said he...
Courier-Journal editorialists change position and join the Herald-Leader in supporting meds-for-meth legislation
The state’s two biggest newspapers are in agreement: pseudoephedrine should be available by prescription only in order to curb methamphetamine production. The Courier-Journal offered its opinion in an editorial today:...
Bills would require more assessment before a patient can be admitted to a personal-care home
Legislation dubbed “Larry’s Law” is aimed at preventing what happened to Larry Lee from happening again. House Bill 307, filed by Democratic Rep. Terry Mills, right, “would require an individual...
“Stop Meth, Not Meds,” ad sponsored by drug industry advises
With some legislators saying a law is needed to make the decongestant pseudoephedrine available only by prescription, the Kentucky Healthcare Products Association has launched an advertising campaign to fight the...
Poll finds Kentucky has the highest smoking rate in the country; a statewide ban would reduce it, advocates say
Kentucky has the highest smoking rate in the country, with 29 percent of people surveyed by the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index answering “yes” to the question, “Do you smoke?” (United Press...