Tag: lung cancer
Kentucky ranks first in deaths from cancer, a longtime fact given big play on the Sunday front page of The Courier-Journal
Kentucky has led the nation in cancer deaths for several years, but that fact hasn’t been trumpeted on the front page of a major newspaper in quite the way The Courier-Journal did...
Lifestyle and environment matter most when it comes to cancer, study suggests; Kentucky leads the nation in cancer deaths
Lifestyle choices and environment may matter most when it comes to your likelihood of getting cancer, according to a new study in the journal Nature, Jen Christensen and Kevin Flower report for...
Lung cancer is the deadliest but least researched cancer; do funders consider it self-inflicted? An important question for Ky.
Lung cancer kills more people than breast, prostate and colon cancers combined, and yet it is the least researched, which could be because funders perceive it is a self-inflicted disease...
Great American Smokeout is Thursday, Nov. 19
Thursday, Nov. 19, is the Great American Smokeout, a day when smokers are encouraged to quit for the day and make a plan to quit for good. That remains important...
U of L gets patents for new cancer treatments, spinal cord treatments and a new bone graft product
The University of Louisville Research Foundation has recently been awarded patents for improved cancer treatments, a new bone graft material, and therapies for spinal cord damage, and two of the...
New cancer treatment for late stage lung cancer that was developed at UK is approved for clinical trials
Researchers at the University of Kentucky have pioneered a new medical device for the treatment of late stage lung cancer, which has now been approved for clinical trials by the...
Study finds that teens who use e-cigarettes are more than twice as likely as non-using teens to start smoking tobacco products
image: usnews.com Teens who use electronic cigarettes may be more than twice as likely to start smoking tobacco than those who have never used the devices, according to a study...
E-cigs: How safe or how risky? Vox reporter looks at evidence
Electronic cigarettes are becoming more popular, but how safe or how risky are they? At this point, the bottom line about e-cigarettes is: “If you’re a chronic smoker looking for...
Combination of tobacco smoke and high radon levels increase Kentuckians’ risk of getting lung cancer by a factor of 10
Red counties are expected to have an indoor radon level high enough to require a radon mitigation system. (USEPA map) Combined exposure to tobacco smoke and radon, an odorless gas...
Former smokers get newly funded scan for lung cancer and encourage others to do the same, after finding cancer in time
The number of smokers choosing to get low-dose CT scans to see if they have lung cancer is steadily increasing, especially since this screening was recently approved for payment by...