Tag: Medicaid
What Trump voters with Obamacare want in health coverage
By Danielle Ray Kentucky Health News Affordability appears to be one of the most important concerns for Donald Trump voters as the president and Congress go about repealing and replacing...
With Obama gone, emphasis is on ‘care,’ not him; Rep. Guthrie says voters want a replacement ‘that creates a better opportunity’
“With President Barack Obama out of office, the debate over ‘Obamacare’ is becoming less about ‘Obama’ and more about ‘care,’ greatly complicating the issue for Republican lawmakers,” writes Jonathan Martin,...
About 3/4 of the Kentuckians getting free exams and screenings via Medicaid are covered by its expansion, study finds
More than three-fourths of the Kentuckians who got free medical screenings through Medicaid last summer were covered by the expansion of the program under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care...
State Senate committee approves bill to remove insurance-company barriers to smoking-cessation treatments
Feb. 22 Update: SB89 passed 35-2 out of the full Senate and now heads to the House for consideration. By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News FRANKFORT, Ky. – Kentuckians could...
Republicans will not only keep the Medicaid expansion, they will broaden it, says Lamar Alexander, Senate health panel chair
Sen. Lamar Alexander (Photo by M. Scott Mahaskey, Politico) Republicans in Congress will not only keep the expansion of Medicaid, but will broaden it, says U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander of...
As Republicans wait to address Obamacare, Democrats and supporters of the law appear to gain new footing
This story has been updated. “Republican efforts to repeal Obamacare could help Democrats do what they have been unable to for seven years: sell the American people on the benefits...
Powell County insurance agent and Democratic chair says connecting health insurance with Obama is a ‘no-no’ in her county
(Photo via oakmontlibrary.org) Josie Hollon meets someone at least once a week in her community who depends on health coverage through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, yet voted...
New state senator, a former hospital boss, says health system needs fundamental repairs to increase access and affordability
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Four state legislators held to their party-line opinions about Obamacare on KET this week, but one said instead of creating another “piecemeal” replacement for...
Ex-Gov. Beshear opposes Medicaid block grants at U.S. Senate hearing, says any changes should be ‘deliberate and thoughtful’
Former Gov. Steve Beshear Former Gov. Steve Beshear urged lawmakers at a Feb. 1 U.S. Senate hearing to not turn Medicaid into a block-grant program and to move forward in...
Republicans want to block-grant Medicaid but can’t agree on how
Most Republican lawmakers and President Donald Trump support a plan to turn Medicaid into a block-grant program, which would limit spending and give each state a set amount of money...