Tag: nutrition
Schools and students are still getting used to lunches that are healthier but not as suited to their tastes
School lunches look and taste different than they did before new federal nutrition standards kicked in, and that has caused more food to end up in garbage cans and more...
Using food labels and other guidance helps you control weight and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, FDA study finds
Food labels and dietary guidance help consumers make healthier choices and lose weight, according to a study for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA’s Joanna Parks used data...
Kentucky has nation’s first statewide, comprehensive plan for diabetes prevention; 10 percent of us have the disease
Kentucky leads the way in the fight against diabetes and towards improving health for future generations of Kentuckians by becoming the first state to legislatively require a statewide, comprehensive action...
Statewide forum on community efforts to promote children’s health will be held in Northern Kentucky Monday, Sept. 16
“The goal is simple, the challenge difficult – how to ensure that the current generation of children in Kentucky grows up healthier than their parents. A free one-day conference coming...
Some parents complain about healthier school lunches, but USDA says it’s on course to improve public health
A few school districts in other states are opting out of a federal-funded school lunch program that was touted by first lady Michelle Obama to provide healthier options to students, and...
Community-based solutions to childhood obesity show signs of progress elsewhere; will Kentucky pick up on them?
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News For decades, researchers reported with alarm the increasing trend of overweight children in America, with one in three kids on the way to developing...
Kids’ excessive salty snacks are linked to obesity, high blood pressure; new limits on school vending items may help
As new research shows that America’s child-obesity epidemic is linked to eating too many salty snacks, new federal regulations could ensure that vending-machine snacks in Kentucky’s schools are healthier and...
AMA calls obesity a disease; could spur coverage for treatment
The American Medical Association now recognizes obesity as a disease, which may make it easier for Kentuckians to fight the state’s obesity epidemic by gaining insurance coverage for necessary medical treatment....
Mayors and AMA say food stamps shouldn’t pay for soft drinks
Louisville’s Greg Fischer is among 18 mayors asking Congress to ban sugary drinks from purchase under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly called food stamps. One day after their June...
Covington schools show ‘Fitness Rocks’ by lowering body mass, lifting the bars of nutrition, wellness and academic achievement
Sparks are flying in Covington Independent Schools. The schools’ Fitness Rocks program, which combines fitness and wellness activities in an after-school program four or five days a week to create...