Tag: nutrition
Study indicates fast food contains industrial chemicals linked to health problems such as infertility, diabetes and allergies
People who eat a lot of fast food have higher levels of chemicals that “have been linked to a number of adverse health outcomes, including higher rates of infertility,” especially...
Peanut butter can be a healthy choice, but you have to read the labels; gimmicks to improve taste not the best for nutrition
Peanut butter has long been considered a healthy food choice, and for the most part it still is, but with the advent of low-fat brands, flavored peanut butters and companies...
Visiting chef at Harlan County High helps incorporate fresh, local foods and flavors into menus; 1 of 8 Ky. districts in program
image: foodtank.com The “Chefs in Schools Collaborative” project, which helps school cooks learn how to incorporate fresh, local foods in their menus, is up and running at Harlan County High...
Public is invited to join discussion about food sustainability systems at UK April 7; will help shape UK’s food-systems studies
The public is invited to a discussion about sustainable food systems at the 2016 Food Studies Symposium at the University of Kentucky April 7 to “share current learning, build collaborations,...
About 60% of Ky. schools give all students free breakfast and lunch; federal program for those with mainly low-income students
photo: Kentucky Department of Education During the 2014-15 school year, 104 of the 173 public school districts in Kentucky provided free breakfast and lunch to all students, with 610 schools...
KentuckyOne Health promoting whole-food, plant-based diet, named No. 1 for heart health by U.S. news panel of experts
One in every eight Kentuckians suffers from diabetes, and the state ranks 12th in adult obesity, with 31.6 percent of its adults obese and 39 percent suffering high blood pressure,...
Washington state study finds new school lunch standards have made students’ food healthier; other studies say they are eating it
School lunches are healthier since the federal government created sweeping changes to the program five years ago and almost the same number of students eat a school lunch as before...
New dietary guidelines ease up on cholesterol, salt and need for breakfast; have some inconsistency on fat and cholesterol
The U.S Department of Agriculture and Department of Health and Human Services today released the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2015-2020, described by publishers as “an essential resource for health professionals...
Holiday weight gain is usually permanent; here are some common myths de-bunked to help you manage the month-long celebration
Image: today.ttu.edu On average, Americans gain one to two pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day and unfortunately, most don’t take them off, says a Texas Tech University news release. “Some...
$54,000 from CDC will help some counties fight obesity, inactivity
Multiple counties across the state have been awarded federally funded grants from the state Department for Public Health to help fight obesity and inactivity in their communities, according to a DPH...