Tag: nutrition
Political documentary about Ky. legislative effort to recognize the health benefits of plant-based diet debuts in Louisville Sept. 17
A political documentary, PlantPure Nation, that tells the story of Kentucky efforts to recognize the benefits of eating a plant-based diet, premieres in Kentucky Sept. 17 at the Baxter Avenue...
New deli-style healthy food choices are a huge success at Barren County High School; meet federal nutrition guidelines too
BCHS Director of Nutrition Services CheyAnne Fant and Assistant Nutrition Services Manager Danielle Certain at the high school’s new Fresh Market 95210 (Daily Times photo by Jeff Nations) Students and staff...
Writer considers salad a wasteful luxury, and not all that nutritious
Salads should be considered a “resource-hungry luxury” instead of a staple because they offer little nutritional value, require “precious crop acreage” to grow, requires fossil fuel and refrigeration to ship,...
Stanford doctor starts local ‘Get Healthy Lincoln County’ program, plans to take it statewide via Kentucky Medical Association
Part of the effort: A weekend workout group in Stanford A Stanford physician who started a local movement for a healthier community plans to promote it statewide through the Kentucky...
Boone County Schools strategically implement healthy changes to lunch menu
Boone County Schools began serving healthier food and offering low-fat, low-sodium meals in their lunchrooms before the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act was implemented in 2010, Amy Scalf reports for the Community Press....
Americans are eating fewer calories, but need to cut back more if they want to combat the obesity epidemic
Americans are eating fewer calories for the first time since the government began keeping track, more than 40 years ago. While that’s a step in the right direction, one researcher...
Cut back on sugar-sweetened beverages, eat natural foods and read labels to decrease the added sugar in your kids’ diet
A greater awareness about added sugars in food products has led many parents to make healthy food swaps for their children, granola bars for cookies, yogurt for ice cream, but...
Generals ask Congress to renew school nutrition rules, note 73% of young adult Kentuckians too fat to fight, 8th highest in nation
By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News A new report from the Department of Defense found that 73 percent of young adults in Kentucky aren’t qualified to serve in the military,...
Pulaski County hits the mark with a community program to get kids up and moving; a great model for other communities to follow
Communities wondering what they could start that is fun, and will also improve the health of local families, might consider hosting something like “The Longest Day of Play,” which Pulaski...
Eating trans fat weakens memory in younger men, study says
Trans fats, the use of which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration limited last month, are associated with reduced memory function in men 45 and younger, says a University of California San Diego...