Tag: pregnancy
Ky. premature births declining, but still above national average
Giving birth to a baby before it has been brought to full term has become less common in the U.S. and Kentucky, but the nation still only received a C,...
Study indicates risk of fatal birth defects is higher in counties with mountaintop-removal coal mining
“Children born in counties home to mountaintop coal mines had a 26 percent higher risk of suffering” a fatal birth defect “compared to ones born in non-mining regions,” according to...
Fewer maternity wards, fewer options for rural Kentucky women
The closing of the maternity ward at Mary Breckinridge Hospital in Hyden last year is part of a larger trend, leading to fewer options for women living in rural areas...
Madisonville hospital earns national award for program that helps pregnant women maintain, improve oral health
For its work in improving oral health in prenatal patients, the Center for Women’s Health at Trover Health System in Madisonville has received a national award. The William J. Gies...