Tag: public health
It’s Autism Awareness Month; do you know the warning signs?
The University of Kentucky hosted the state’s first Light It Up Blue event by illuminating Memorial Hall with blue lights on April 2nd, and this event is a unique global initiative that...
Kentuckians tell pollsters they are concerned about air quality, but don’t seem to put their concern into action
A recent poll shows that more than half of Kentucky adults, especially women, are concerned about air quality in their community, but only 48 percent say they change their behavior...
Public Health Week theme: It’s a good investment, saving lives and money
April 1-7 is National Public Health Week, and the Kentucky Department for Public Health is working to raise awareness and help people live longer, healthier lives by promoting the 2013...
State Health Department gets diabetes prevention funding; will focus on prediabetes detection and lifestyle changes
The state Department for Public Health has been awarded a $134,380 federal grant to help reduce high rates of prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes in Kentucky. “Diabetes is a tremendous public health...
Health departments in N. Ky. and Franklin County are among the first 11 in the nation to be accredited, a milestone in public health
Three Kentucky departments are among the first 11 in the nation to receive accreditation from the national Public Health Accreditation Board, which announced the achievements Thursday. The Franklin County Health Department, the...
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky gives UK $1 million for endowed co-chairs in rural health policy
Tyrone “Ty” Borders in the University of Kentucky College of Public Health’s Department of Health Services Management, and Brady Reynolds in the UK College of Medicine’s Department of Behavioral Science,...
Three Kentucky health departments in first group up for national accreditation; requires local health assessment, improvement plan
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News Three Kentucky health departments are among the first in the nation to be considered for national accreditation, a process that could help improve patient...
Prescription-painkiller epidemic is spurred by societal shift, experts say: People think every problem has a pill for an answer
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News The prescription-painkiller epidemic stems partly from an evolution of society’s views toward pain and how to deal with it, said experts at “The Different...
New U of L public-health dean has rural health background
Craig H. Blakely, dean at the School of Rural Public Health at Texas A&M University, has been named dean of the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information...
Health agencies in Rockcastle, Jackson, Clay, Harlan to lose 14 employees, some environmental and food-safety inspections
In the latest example of Medicaid changes’ impact on local health departments, environmental and food-safety inspections will be reduced by layoffs in four counties served by the Cumberland Valley District...