Tag: research
Weight gain after gastric bypass is common; study will see if post-operative supervision helps keep it off
Though 200,000 people undergo gastric bypass surgery to lose weight each year, more than half of patients put back on at least 20 percent of the weight they lost, research-reporting...
Study indicates risk of fatal birth defects is higher in counties with mountaintop-removal coal mining
“Children born in counties home to mountaintop coal mines had a 26 percent higher risk of suffering” a fatal birth defect “compared to ones born in non-mining regions,” according to...
UK finally wins $20 million grant to translate medical research into action at the bedside and in the field; now ‘a member of the club’
The University of Kentucky announced Tuesday that the National Institutes of Health had awarded it $20 million over five years to help move research discoveries from the laboratory to the...
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky asks Kentuckians to participate in online survey about state’s health issues
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky is seeking participants for an ongoing survey to identify the most important health issues facing Kentucky. Responses to the online survey are due by...
Kentuckians think cancer is biggest threat to adults, but heart disease kills more men in the state
Cancer is the leading health concern identified by Kentuckians, and is the principal cause of death among women in the state, though heart disease is the main killer of Kentucky men,...
Study finds new prostate-cancer test is better than current one
Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles say they have developed a new test for prostate cancer that is “more sensitive and more specific” than the usual test...
Fight against obesity needs to model the one against smoking, key federal official says at Appalachian Health Summit
By Tara Kaprowy and Al Cross Kentucky Health News Obesity is linked to so many other health problems that Americans need to see it as deadly as smoking cigarettes, the federal...
High use of meds earns Louisville bad name for allergies, which are becoming more common as pollination periods expand
Louisville is the second worst American city for spring allergy sufferers, based on use of allergy medicine, says the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Though the city has only...
Most Ky. communities not friendly to walkers, joggers, cyclists
Few Kentuckians live in walkable communities, according to the latest Kentucky Health Issues Poll for the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky. Only 32 percent of Kentucky adults said there are a number...
Feds say they will post data on performance of dialysis centers
“Federal regulators say they are moving to make once-confidential data about the performance of kidney dialysis clinics more readily available to the public,” reports Robin Fields of ProPublica, the nonprofit,...