Tag: schools
Health advocates recommend teaching children benefits of healthy food, even raw, to adapt to school-meal guidelines
Health advocates say that teaching people, especially children, about nutrition and the value of new federal guidelines for school meals can help improve Kentucky’s health, Jacqueline Pitts reports for “Pure...
Kentucky school nutritionists meet amid some opposition to federal school-lunch guidelines aimed at curbing child obesity
Kentucky schools are working to adjust to the federal nutrition requirements for school lunches, but are facing some opposition from students, parents and some school nutritionists. The U.S. Department of...
Russell Co. school board plans to make all campuses tobacco-free, renews free-lunch-for-all plan after breaking even
School districts in Kentucky often deal with health issues. The Russell County Board of Education dealt with two important ones, tobacco use and school lunch, in its meeting last week....
Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky reports putting 24 percent more money into grants last year than in 2012
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky made grants totaling $2,355,838 in 2013, a 24 percent increase over the 2012 total of $1,903,660, according to the annual report it released yesterday....
Some school districts reject federal offer of free lunch for all students, saying schools would lose money on the deal
Some school districts are rejecting a federal program that would provide free meals to all students in districts with a certain percentage of students in poverty, Jared Nelson reports for...
Proposed waiver from school nutrition guidelines sparks debate
The controversial school lunch waiver debate that began in Washington has migrated to Kentucky. While supporters claim that the proposal assists rural schools, some opponents say it defeats the purpose...
Health foundation chief objects to bill that would allow school districts to get waivers from recent nutrition standards
The president of Kentucky’s public-interest health foundation is objecting to legislation recently approved by the U.S. House Appropriations Committee to allow waivers from the school nutrition enacted by the Department...
Schools keep adjusting to national nutrition guidelines
Paducah-area school districts “continue to adjust school meals to ensure students are fed complete, healthy meals every day,” Kathleen Fox reports for The Paducah Sun. The revised National School Lunch...
This is Asthma Awareness Month, more important in Kentucky than in most states; we have one of the nation’s highest rates
In May the Kentucky Department for Public Health is observing Asthma Awareness Month by cultivating awareness about the disease’s impact and working with the Kentucky Asthma Partnership to reach both...
Berea students’ second health fair tackles touchy topics
Della Walters tries to walk straight while wearing “drunk goggles” at the Berea health fair. (Richmond Register photo by Crystal Wylie) Student-run health fairs are becoming more popular across Kentucky,...