Tag: seniors
Study indicates that vitamin D can help prevent early death from cardiovascular disease and cancer
Elderly people with a vitamin D deficiency are more at risk for death from cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a large-scale study by the Mount Sinai health system of New York...
A Ky. guide to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News Few laws have generated as much confusion, opposition or news coverage as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Despite the flood of news...
Obama and allies tout preventive-services and drug benefits of health-reform law to Medicare beneficiaries in Ky.
The federal health-reform law has made drugs more affordable for seniors, broadened coverage for preventive services and made Medicare more solvent, the Obama administration and its allies are pointing out...
New report ranks Kentucky 45th in overall senior health
By Molly Burchett Kentucky Health News Everyone dreams about retirement being a happy, healthy time to finally settle down, take time for yourself, travel and count your blessings, but a...
Some strategies for seniors as Kentucky observes Fall Prevention Awareness Day Saturday, Sept. 22
Kentucky has joined 45 other states in proclaiming Saturday, Sept. 22 as Fall Prevention Awareness Day. In 2011, fall-related injuries among the elderly in the Bluegrass were associated with $266...
New tool allows analysis of nursing-home deficiencies across the country; Kentucky seems to rank high in serious problems
Reporters now have a tool at their fingertips that will allow them to find nursing home problems in facilities across Kentucky, which appears to ranks high in serious problems.(iStock photo)...
Cost of long-term-care insurance going up, but it’s still a wise investment, depending on your income
Judy Witte says her long-term-care insurance premiumsare going up at a worrying rate. C-J photo by Matt Stone. Seniors are facing increases in their premiums for long-term-care insurance as insurance companies...
Expert: Health care landscape already changed, despite what Supreme Court decision is this week
Whether or not the federal health-care reform law is upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court tomorrow, initiatives are already in place that will change the way health care is delivered,...
Large percentage of patients with dementia given drugs they don’t need; see how your nursing home is doing
Kentucky reporters can now see how the nursing homes in their area are treating patients with dementia. The Boston Globe has published a list of all the nursing homes in...
Beshear vetoes parts of budget, but health spending is intact
Though Gov. Steve Beshear vetoed 45 parts of the state budget yesterday evening, health-related spending was safe from the cut. The budget will help reduce caseloads for social workers who...