Tag: smoking ordinances
U.S. adult smoking rate dips to 18 percent; when state rates come out, will Kentucky still have the country’s highest?
CDC chart; confidence interval (or error margin) means that 95 percent of the time, the result for the entire U.S. populationwould be within the range indicated at the tops of the bars....
Working with a local, regional or state health coalition? A simple step can help make healthy changes in Kentucky
The Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky is asking you to help update last year’s Kentucky Health Coalitions Directory, a list of local groups working to better Kentucky’s health, so that...
Leaders in Mayfield, a town with a rich tobacco heritage, approve smoking ban
UPDATE, July 9: The ban passed 5-4 on second reading. It will take effect in 2014 and “excludes spaces used primarily for sleeping such as hotels, hospices or nursing homes,...
Beshear calls for action to improve state’s health, but says only that ‘It’s time for us to begin looking seriously’ at a smoking ban
By Al Cross Kentucky Health News His priorities were education and tax reform, but Gov. Steve Beshear mentioned several health issues in his State of the Commonwealth speech tonight to...
Study: Smoke-free workplace leads to fewer heart attacks
Mayo Clinic researchers have found a 33 percent drop in heart attack rates in a Minnesota county after public smoking bans were enacted. This, while rates of hypertension, diabetes, high...
‘Cigarette 6’ smoked by Hopkinsville paper’s editorial
First came the Jackson Five, then the Chicago Seven. Now, straight from Hopkinsville’s city council, come the Cigarette Six. So dubbed by the editorial board of the Kentucky New Era,...
Hopkinsville council, absent a proponent, narrowly replaces smoking ban idea with plan to require posted smoking policies
The effort to pass a smoking ban in the largest Kentucky town without one may have hit a roadblock Thursday night. The Hopkinsville City Council forwarded a smoking ordinance that...
Floyd County woman is Kentucky’s smoke-free advocate of year
For her work spreading the word about second-hand smoke and founding the coalition that ultimately helped Prestonsburg pass a smoke-free ordinance in 2009, Floyd County’s Jean V. Rosenberg was named...
Mayor will propose smoking ban in Hopkinsville, largest Kentucky city without one
The largest Kentucky city that has not banned smoking in public places may change that. Hopkinsville Mayor Dan Kemp’s proposal “fundamentally resembles Lexington’s ban,” reports Nick Tabor for the Kentucky...
In 11-1 vote, Somerset passes comprehensive smoking ban
Lighting up in Somerset, once a big tobacco town, will no longer be allowed in all enclosed public places. The city council voted 11-1 Monday evening to pass a smoking-ban...